Wednesday, 7 February 2007


Like an incredible novel by the guy that wrote the James Bond stories, the big day out this year was full of bands, drugs, alcohol, frivolity, lying about having pashed Meg White, and, downright skanking up the front of the boiler room.
I dont know which James Bond story resembles the antics most closely ...probably moonraker or DR. No, I couldnt say why.

NEVER EVER miss the Big Day Out it is a Holy day ..I call it *Timmadahn*.

It is a day we celebrate the most important things of all:
Splendid music
Reckless Abandon
Indiscriminate Friendliness
Enjoying one-self for the sake of ..IT, and,

the active pursuit of Passion

.. there is also some drug-taking

I don't know why I didnt take a picture of KORA, they fuckn RULED the WORLD (am I shouting?). The Killers would no doubt have been mega-good, but the performance that KORA put on was second to none. Well maybe second to Ruth and MINUIT ..highly outstanding ..I actually pissed myself with glee ( wasnt my fault it was glees)